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Cartilage does not regrow or replace itself, but it can be repaired or replaced depending on how it is damaged. Surgery may be the most effective treatment option for some patients. Surgery is always an option when necessary, but not every ailment necessitates it. People who have a torn meniscus can heal it without surgery by following a physical therapy and anti-inflammatory regimen.
In most cases, your surgeon will remove the damaged part of your meniscus. The meniscus won't completely grow back, so your surgeon will remove as little tissue as possible. Other tissue, called the articular cartilage, will take over the role as shock absorber for your knee joint. In the case of a torn kneecap, avoid further swelling and allow the pain to go away as soon as possible. Most activities should be able to resume within 2 to 3 months, but it will take some time. If you have a torn meniscus, it will usually take between six and eight weeks for you to return to most activities.
Pain and anti-inflammatory meds
Tighten your quad muscle on your straight leg, and raise the leg up about 12 to 15 inches. Lie on your back with your injured knee out straight and your other knee bent. Place a rolled-up bath towel or soccer ball underneath your injured knee. Repeat the exercise 10 times, moving slowly as you bend and straighten your knee. Perturbation exercises – With the help of a friend, have him/her nudge you in whichever direction they want. Make sure both your feet are planted firmly on the ground and you maintain good posture.
The damaged bone grows back thicker than before as the body tries to repair the damage, similar to thickened scar tissue that develops after an injury. Bone spurs are also common with subchondral bone sclerosis in addition to the subchondral bone thickening. A variety of treatments are available for knee cartilage damage, which can be surgical or non-surgical. X-rays can only show the state of the joint and its condition, as well as whether there is a fracture or osteoarthritis.
Is a torn ligament serious?
Take recommended doses of anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as ibuprofen, to help with pain and swelling. With microfracture surgery, a surgeon will use a drill to create mini fractures in the bones of the knee joint after removing an area of damaged cartilage. Creating small holes in the bone helps stimulate bone marrow cells, which can help spur the growth of new cartilage cells. Torn knee cartilage is often a result of sudden, twisting, forceful movements of the knee joint. The cause of knee cartilage tear is often traumatic like injury while playing, due to fall or an accident.

Raise the legs while sleeping to minimise the risk of swelling. These home remedies also work by improving blood circulation and decreasing the mobility of the affected part, thus promoting faster healing. To decrease risk of injury, athletes should be in proper physical condition for their sport.
Torn meniscus
We have state-of-the-art centers for comprehensive orthopedic care in Eagan, MN, Vadnais Heights, MN, Plymouth, MN, and Woodbury, MN, as well as several additional community clinics. Adrian has developed a new technique for PCL surgery which involves reinforcing the reconstruction with fibre tape . Adrian has the largest experience globally with this technique, which has revolutionised the results of PCL surgery, and is frequently asked to demonstrate it to other surgeons.

Footballers are significantly more prone to developing ligament tears in the knee. Torn ligaments can be very painful and can result in bruising and swelling of the knee. It severely restricts knee movement resulting in an inability to turn, pivot, or twist the leg. The recovery time following injury to knee cartilage is highly dependent on the extent of the injury and the age of the athlete.
Diagnosing a Torn Meniscus
The treatments for cartilage defects are not appropriate, under any circumstance, for patients who have widespread arthritis of a joint. Performing any of the following procedures in a patient with arthritis will lead to poor results. Treatment for torn cartilage depends on the extent and location of the tear. A severe tear can cause the cartilage to deteriorate over time, meaning surgery may be recommended.
Following that, you will practice strengthening and stretching the muscles, ligaments, and tendons around your knee in order to improve your joint’s flexibility and strength. You might need physical therapy to fully recover from surgery if you have a knee injury. For torn knee cartilage, requiring surgical repairs for partial removal, complete rest and immobilization is required for at least 2 weeks after surgery.
Initially, you will likely need a series of injections every two weeks. Once the therapeutic effect is reached the results can last up to a year. PRP uses concentrated blood platelets that contain growth factors. These growth factors ease pain by reducing the effect of inflammation at the cellular level.

Once recovered, they can provide targeted exercises to promote strength and flexibility in the supporting muscle groups, to help prevent recurrence. Full recovery has taken place when you can bend and straighten your knee without pain or restriction. There should be no swelling and no pain when you perform any exercise, such as running or walking. A physical therapist will evaluate your knee and hip alignment, muscle strength, range of motion, and movement patterns to develop an individualized plan of care to address your limitations. Knee braces are strongly recommended for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis to help decrease pain and improve function. Anunloader knee bracestabilizes the knee to limit side-to-side movement while allowing the knee to bend and extend without limitation.
Sometimes, repeated stress and strain on the knee joint can lead to damage or tear of the cartilage in certain areas. Osteoarthritis, a common degenerative joint condition, results from wear and tear of the knee joint. Older adults, those with previously injured or operated knee joint and overweight people are more likely to have torn knee cartilage. Excessive and repeated wear and tear to knee cartilage can also result in damage. The breakdown and loss of cartilage in the knee can occur as a result of repeated microtrauma to the area as a result of running or playing sports. There are some things you can do to avoid and treat knee osteoarthritis.
If you have severe pain, surgery may be the best option for some people. If you tear your meniscus, you must remove the damaged cartilage and replace it with a new one. A patch that heals over time may be used to achieve this goal, either through surgery or through the use of a surgical procedure. When people are referring to a cartilage tear, they are usually referring to the cartilage in the knee, also known as the kneecap. Because this cartilage is located in the knee, it contributes to joint stability.
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So, for safety purposes, I think it’s best to have your physical therapist show you how it’s properly done. But, if you don’t, just keep in mind to only do stretches and exercises that you can safely tolerate. Before we move on, know that there are risks to stretching an injured leg without supervision. You could be stretching too aggressively and too soon for the stage of recovery you’re in, for example. Standing calf stretch – Stand facing a wall and leave about a foot’s distance between you and the divider.

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